Severe Acute Respiratory Infections Treatment Centre

A collaboration with the World Health Organization

The project is based on the collaboration between the Future Urban Legacy Lab and World Health Organization (WHO) with the aim of supporting Helpdesk COVID-19 Severe Acute Respiratory Infection(SARI) Health facilities design Support Network. Specifically, the work will concentrate on:

(a) Technical project design for SARI health facilities according to information provided;

(b) Specific technical support upon request on existing  problematic architectural aspects, advise on possible alternative solution;

(c) Support with evidence-based technical guidance tools and development of resource materials related to topics;

(d) Advise on appropriate technology and development & research of new applicable techniques.



Scientific coordinator

Project coordinators

Marianna Nigra, Marco Simonetti

Research commissioned by



Technè, Polytechnic University of Bobo-Dioulasso




Technology transfer