FULL is a research center of the Politecnico di Torino. We explore, imagine and design the future of the territory and of the urban legacies.

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Updates, 17th January 2025

SITO IN MANUTENZIONE - dati non aggiornati / WEBSITE UNDER MAINTENANCE - current data is outdated SITO IN MANUTENZIONE - dati non aggiornati / WEBSITE UNDER MAINTENANCE - current data is outdated


Planning the just city

In the age of (material and digital) displacement

Oren Yiftachel (Ben-Gurion University) The lecture will analyze the rising condition of displaceability as characterizing urban citizenship in the 21st century. It will focus on both material right to the urban space and resources, as well as the recent ‘digital revolution’ during which urban societies are increasingly subject to ‘algorithm governance’, with clear implications to the planning of a just[...]
Sala Comoli (Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Architettonici e del Paesaggio) - Castello del Valentino (Torino)
Aula Magna - Politecnico di Torino - Sede del Lingotto - Via Nizza 230, Torino
Torino Urban Lab, Piazza Palazzo di Città 8F, Torino
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A selection of our open access editions, excerpts, papers and more | Quaderni FULL (ISSN 3034-9052 - Quaderni Future Urban Legacy Lab) are an aperiodical series of dissemination publications on some of the centre's projects.

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The archive of the discussions, lectures, seminars, workshops, symposiums, and talks hosted by FULL.

L’italia diseguale

Intervengono Gregorio De Felice, Loris Servillo, Gianfranco Viesti. Coordina Marco Girardo.
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