Torino Metropoli Aumentata (Turin Augmented Metropolis) is the concise, clear and communicable title that sums up the vision proposed by the MSP for the future of the metropolitan city. The image of augmentation means the construction of a new alliance between the city of Turin and its region, based on integration and complementarity, rather than opposition and otherness. Augmentation is determined by an updated interpretation of the concept of rebalancing, meant not as uniformity but as the enhancement of the differences and specificities of each metropolitan area. Augmentation is the transition towards a post-Fordist and post-pandemic metropolis, which harmoniously combines the natural and artificial environment, developing the potential of both to build equity, well-being and sustainability.
Nicola Russi, Francesca Governa, Giuseppe Scellato, Stefania Ravazzi (UniTo), Matteo Tabasso (LINKS Foundation), Alessandro Portinaro (LINKS Foundation), Giulia Melis (LINKS Foundation)
Lucia Baima, Marco Cappellazzo, Francesca Frassoldati, Luca Galleano, Maria Paola Repellino, Giulia Sammartano, Nannina Spanò, Alberto Artuso, Alessandro Benetti, Chiara Dereani, Ludovica Not, Simone Vegliò
#Urbanism #TransformativeUrbanism
Technology transfer
The axis dedicated to augmenting the capacity to create value in the various economic sectors (agriculture, tourism, manufacturing, services, trade, public administration) through technology transfer, digitalisation, automation, cooperation in business networks, the construction of supply chains, process and product innovation and the promotion of the region and its products. It thus aims to augment the number of job and business opportunities and the attractiveness of the Turin metropolitan system for new initiatives and investments.
This includes all the actions aimed at augmenting the ecological, environmental and landscape quality of the metropolitan area. These actions aim to reduce its ecological footprint, redefining its metabolic processes in a circular way and thus contributing through local actions to the global challenge of climate change.
This suggests seizing the opportunity of the transformation of remote working commuting routines to improve connectivity and accessibility to and from the metropolitan region. It imagines the augmented metropolis as a ‘90-minutes metropolis’ made up of ‘15-minute cities’, where the ease and comfort of intermodal transport are ensured by an integrated and user-oriented MAAS (Mobility-as-a-Service) model. It promotes a differentiated use of collective transport over medium and long distances and of alternatives to the private car over medium and short distances. It projects connections outside the metropolitan area with the rest of northern Italy and the global world beyond the Alps, making gateways of metropolitan interest more accessible from all points in the region.
This axis stresses that it is essential to invest in the structural renewal of the metropolitan school infrastructure, in terms of buildings and the spatial model of education. It proposes seizing the opportunities experienced with distance learning during the pandemic and hybridising them with the quality of traditional teaching. It includes a series of actions aimed at strengthening and innovating vocational training, both at upper secondary school and university level. It emphasises the centrality of vocational degree courses, to be put into a system with proposals for lifelong learning and re-training of the already active workforce. It promotes and disseminates hands-on approaches to teaching, including in non-professional areas, as well as early schooling, with a view to gender balance, experimenting with hybrid forms of decentralised/autonomous management. It promotes relations between schools and the region in all contexts, making the school infrastructure a civic multi-service platform.
This aims to promote equal opportunities for personal and community development in the different parts of the region and for the entire population of the metropolitan city, so as to make it attractive again for residents and businesses. It includes actions aimed at introducing and supporting new forms of social housing and community residence, adapted to the specificities of the different local contexts, which can bring new inhabitants to areas with weak demographics, as well as prevent and recover situations of social exclusion. It suggests experimenting with and encouraging dual forms of metropolitan residence to strengthen links between the centre and peripheral areas.
Starting with the centrality of the new Turin City of Health, investment in an integrated regional system of education, prevention and diagnosis which promotes equal accessibility of the health system throughout the region is proposed. This includes the possibilities of telemedicine and remote diagnostics. Its actions encourage making the environmental quality of the metropolitan city an active public health factor and an enabling infrastructure for a healthy and active lifestyle, as well as promoting health education, supporting active ageing, the social role of the elderly and intergenerational links.