Mauro Fontana

Research Fellow

DIST Urban and regional planning

Mauro Fontana is a PhD Candidate in Urban and Regional Development at Politecnico di Torino. He holds a master’s degree in Architecture with a thesis focused on fragile landscapes and spaces in Sicilian coastal areas. His research is part of a cultural, political and scientific debate that aims to reduce socio-spatial inequalities in fragile and ‘left-behind’ territories, and it focuses on welfare and services within the framework of the SNAI – National Strategy for Inner Areas policy. On these issues, since March 2022, he has been conducting his research at FULL. He is also involved in “Terre del Monviso. Scenari strategici per un territorio metromontano” research project, and he is a teaching assistant in Urban design and planning at Politecnico di Torino.

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Terre del Monviso