Research Fellow
Architect and PhD candidate in Architecture. History and Project at Politecnico di Torino, supported by two Interdepartmental Centres: FULL (The Future Urban Legacy Lab) and PIC4SeR (PoliTO Interdipartimental Centre for Service Robotics). Her research focuses on the permanence of temporariness in post-earthquake emergencies in Italian territories through design and geomatic tools. She studied architecture between Piacenza (BA-Politecnico di Milano) and Turin (M.Sc. – Politecnico di Torino). Her Master’s thesis investigated the regenerative value of residual urban spaces and adaptive strategies in Turin. In 2019, she followed the research “FARB 2016 – Learning from catastrophes: methods, tools and techniques for the realization of resilient settlement systems” of the Politecnico di Milano. Currently, she is a teaching assistant in Architecture and Urban Design, curator of seminar cycles and takes part in several research activities at Politecnico di Torino.
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Permanent temporariness in the post-earthquake #6 – Re-school Fare Spazio