The City As Interface. Public space, brands, technology, and their dangerous interrelation.

With data being the fuel for companies to deliver better experiences, public spaces are  becoming the main battleground for data harvesting. What ethical implications does this have for architects, engineers, and designers?

11 January 2024
From 2:30PM to 5:30PM
Sala Vigliano, Castello del Valentino. Viale Mattioli 39, Torino
Luca Vergano

Sala Vigliano - Castello del Valentino, viale Mattioli 39, Torino

Luca Vergano is Innovation & Design Strategist. He has worked with companies such as Apple, Google, and Meta, with startups such as iViva and Aleo, and with institutions such as the Singapore Government. His work has been recognised with the Cannes Grand Prix for Sustainability, the D&AD White Pencil, Design Campaign of The Year.