The H2020 SMARTDEST project “Cities as mobility hubs: tackling social exclusion through ‘smart’ citizen engagement” investigates the processes through which new forms of mobilities (such as tourism and mobile dwelling) reproduce new forms of social exclusion, imbalances, conflicts, and other ambivalent externalities in urban contexts.
The 2nd Scientific Workshop involves leading experts in the field to present their research projects and discuss the project’s preliminary results.
9h30 – 9h50
Antonio Paolo Russo, Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Loris Servillo, Politecnico di Torino
9h50 – 10h
New avenues of exclusion through housing market
Riccardo Valente, Universitat Rovira i Virgili
10h – 10h30
Old and new exclusions in rented housing
Mara Ferreri, Politecnico di Torino
10h30 – 10h40
Global mobilities and place transformation
Franz Buhr, Universidade de Lisboa
10h40 – 11h10
Temporary Populations and Sociospatial Polarization in the Short-Term City
Filippo Celata, Sapienza Università di Roma
11h10 – 11h30
Coffee break
11h30 – 11h40
Precarious labour and social inequalities in tourist cities
Antonio Paolo Russo, Universitat Rovira i Virgili
11h40 – 12h10
Gender inequalities in tourism employment
Zélia Breda, Universidade de Aveiro
12h10 – 13h15
General debate