The Handbook of Territorial and Local Development Strategies offers methodological support for operational programmes’ managing authorities, local authorities and any other organisations (e.g. CLLD local action groups) involved in the design, implementation, and monitoring of development strategies in the context of cohesion policy. It offers inspiration and food for thought on how to tackle the most relevant or recurring policy challenges that territorial development actors may encounter during the process of strategy making.
The Handbook’s structure and content, as well as earlier drafts, takes advantage from the generous input and suggestions of an informal board of experts of more than fifty contributors, composed of European Commission staff, practitioners, researchers and independent experts who will be widely present at the event.
DG REGIO, JRC and co-authors will present the Handbook and will reflect on the main features and challenges of an integrated approach to territorial development. After this, local and managing authorities will share inspiring examples of strategies across Europe.