Financial enablers of new housing cooperatives in pioneering contexts

FULL @ International Social Housing Festival – ISHF 2023

The workshop explores how ethical, long-term financial instruments can become enablers for developing new, rental-based and limited-equity housing cooperatives. We focus on contexts where such coops are not widespread, and the financial and institutional frameworks are limiting. We discuss the cases of Catalonia and Central and South-Eastern Europe, in both cases with a facilitator of housing cooperatives (Sostre Civic and MOBA) and an ethical cooperative financial actor (Coop57 and ZEF).

9 June 2023
From 9:00AM to 10:20AM
Palau de Congressos de Barcelona, Room 3 - Barcelona
Silvia Cafora, Caterina Quaglio, Ander Zabala Gómez - Sostre Cívic, Zsuzsanna Pósfai - MOBA Housing SCE, Goran Jeras - Cooperative for Ethical Financing (ZEF), Raimon Gassiot - Coop57, Ana Džokić - MOBA Housing SCE, Maša Hawlina - MOBA Housing SCE