Cittadella di Alessandria: Scenari di riuso adattivo

[vc_row][vc_column][vcex_spacing][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The artefacts and ruins inherited from past ages “allow us to experience the feeling of pure, almost undefined time”, as Augè wrote. At the same time, they demonstrate that material cultures are distinguishable from the contemporary culture in terms of scale, shapes and technologies.

This seminar seeks to explore large artefacts, whose original function has decayed and whose future vocation appears ambiguous, uncertain, and unpredictable.

Is it possible to formulate strategies for the re appropriation of these large disused architecture, resistant to changes, formerly characterised by a strong functional specialisation and today characterised by a deep isolation from the surrounding territory? Or is to accompany them towards a romantic ruin the only possible fate?

The research titled “Citadella di Alessandria. Scenari di riuso adattivo” deals with the reuse of large military structures through a case study. The Citadella di Alessandria is an immense architectural complex dating back to the eighteenth century, composed of sixty hectares of open space and more than one hundred thousand square meters of buildings.

Imagining the reuse of a military architecture among those of the best preserved in Europe and still extraordinarily inserted in its original environmental context, provides an opportunity to reflect on new concepts of restoration, and on the architectural and urban project in relation to the existing context within the changed conditions of contemporary society.


The seminar will take place on Tuesday 31st October, 11:00 – 13:00, at Centro Interdipartimentale FULL (Toolbox Coworking, Turin), presented by Prof. Matteo Robiglio (DAD | FULL – PoliTO)


The seminar takes part of Future Urban Legacy Lab Seminar series and will provide grounds for discussion with PhD students about methodological issues, policy implications, and potential developments of the study along different research paths.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]